An act concerning changing of vacation

Forasmuch as it is statute and ordained by act of parliament of before that the lords of council and session in all times after 15 December 1567 should rise upon 10 July and have vacation until 20 October exclusive; upon the which 20 October they shall sit down and sit daily, except upon the Sunday, until 20 December inclusive, and then rise and have vacation until 7 January exclusive; upon the which 7 January they shall sit down and sit daily, except upon the Sunday, without any vacation at Fastings Eve, until Palm Sunday evening inclusive, and then rise and have vacation until the next Monday after the Low Sunday;2 upon the which Monday they shall sit down and sit daily, except on the Sunday, without any vacation at Whitsunday [May/June] until the said 10 July, as at more length is contained in the said act of the date aforesaid. And understanding that the harvest often continues and endures until Hallowmas [1 November], and thereafter in some highland and cold grounds, whereby the people and lieges of the realm may not resort and repair to the session until the harvest is ended, therefore it is statute and ordained by our sovereign lord and three estates of this present parliament that the said lords of council and session shall sit down and begin for administration of justice to our sovereign lord's lieges in the accustomed use as they did of before upon 20 October for this present year only, and shall sit until 20 December inclusive and then rise and have vacation until 7 January exclusive, upon the which 7 January they shall sit daily until the Saturday before Fastings Eve, and then to leave off until the Thursday thereafter, and thereafter to sit without any vacation until Palm Sunday Eve inclusive, and then to rise and have vacation until the next Monday after Low Sunday inclusive; upon the which Monday they shall sit down and sit daily, except the Sundays, until Whitsunday Eve, and then to have vacation until the Monday after the Trinity Sunday inclusive, and then to sit down and sit daily without any vacation, except the Sunday, until 31 July inclusive; and from then to have vacation until 12 November, which is the morning after Martinmas Day [11 November], and sit yearly thereafter in manner aforesaid, excepting as said is. And so the king's grace, lords and three estates aforesaid declare the great vacation to be from 31 July to 12 November exclusive, and then to proceed and administer justice to all our sovereign lord's lieges daily in all time thereafter in manner above-specified, notwithstanding the aforesaid act of parliament made of before bearing as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.6r.
  2. The Sunday after Easter.