Procedure: commission
Concerning the visitation of the universities and colleges

Forasmuch as the universities of this realm are appointed for the education of the youth who should be said to be of good learning and manners within this realm, and that the same being rightly founded, as well in rents as provisions of masters and bursars, and that notwithstanding they are misused by particular persons to their own advantage, without respect of the education of the youth in virtue and good letters, regarding not the commonwealth of this realm; for remedy of the which, our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the three estates of parliament, gives, grants and commits full power and commission to the right honourable reverend persons after-following, to pass to the colleges and universities after-specified, and there visit and consider the foundations and erections of the universities and colleges within this realm; with full power to them to reform such things as sounds to superstition, idolatry and papistry, and to displace such as are unqualified and not fit to discharge their office in the said universities, and to plant such qualified and worthy persons there as they shall find good and sufficient for the education of the youth and according to the common welfare of this realm: that is to say, for the universities of St Andrews, [Patrick Adamson], archbishop thereof, [James Boyd],archbishop of Glasgow, [David Cunningham], bishop of Aberdeen, Robert [Stewart], earl of Lennox, Robert [Douglas], earl of Buchan, Master Andrew Melville and Master Peter Young; for the University of Aberdeen, the said archbishop of St Andrews, the bishop of Aberdeen, the said Robert, earl of Buchan, [Robert Keith], commendator of Deer, Master Robert Maitland, dean of Aberdeen, and Master George Hay, parson of Ruthven; for the University of Glasgow, the archbishop thereof, the said Robert, earl of Lennox, Robert [Boyd], lord Boyd, Master Andrew Hay, Master Thomas Smeaton and Master Andrew Polworth; which persons particularly above-written, appointed as said is, shall convene and begin at St Andrews on 1 November 1578; at Aberdeen on 15 November 1578; and at Glasgow on 24 November 1578; and they being convened at the particular places respectively above-stated shall put this present act and ordinance to due execution in all points, after the form and tenor thereof, as they will answer to our sovereign lord thereupon, and to report their proceedings respectively to the king's grace and council on 1 January 1579, and to that effect that they may take further order at that point if need be.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.3r