Charge to repair to the parliament in peaceable manner

2The king's majesty, with advice of the lords of his privy council and others of his estates presently convened, having deliberated that his highness's parliament proclaimed to be held at Edinburgh on 10 July 1578 shall be there fenced that day and from there continued to be held and [to] proceed at Stirling in his highness's own presence on 15 July 1578, seeing the weighty matters concerning the glory of God, his highness and his estate and commonwealth of his realm are therein to be treated, finds it expedient that all noblemen and others of the estate repairing to the said parliament shall come in quiet and peaceable manner, through which they may proceed in the weighty causes, whereupon they shall treat the more freely and orderly, all arms and face of hostility being removed and led [...]; and for the eschewing of all doubt and confusion which may arise hereupon, and that all his highness's nobility and estates may the better understand [...] company and number to repair to the said parliament, ordains letters to be directed to officers of arms, sheriffs in that part, charging them to pass to the market crosses of Edinburgh, Stirling, Perth, Glasgow and other places needful, and there, by open proclamation in his highness's name and authority, to command and charge all and sundry earls, lords, bishops, abbots and priors having vote in parliament [...] and required by his highness's precepts and letters to be present at the same parliament, that they repair to Stirling again on the said 15 July 1578 in peaceable manner, without [...], and especially hackbuts, dags, pistolets or such other firearms [...] to be worn or shot by his highness's laws and acts of parliament; and that every earl come and remain with 24 persons only in their company or dependence, and every lord with 16 persons or within, and the commissioners of burghs in their ordinary and accustomed manner without all convocation of their neighbours, except only the person or persons contained in the commission with their necessary servants; and that all other persons not being of the appointed numbers and company of the said estates [who] presume to convene themselves or repair to the said burgh of Stirling during the time of the said parliament and until the final end and dissolution thereof, without knowledge of his highness's mind and pleasure thereupon and his majesty's licence had to that effect, under the pain of incurring of his majesty's high displeasure and indignation; certifying those that do in the contrary [by] repairing to the said burgh of Stirling with greater numbers and convocation than is before appointed, or that comes armed or bearing or having in their company armour and especially hackbuts, dags, pistolets and such other firearms, they shall be reputed, esteemed, pursued and punished as the disturbers of the public peace and his highness's obedience, enemies and unnatural subjects to his majesty and the common welfare and quietness of this their native country.

  1. NAS, PC1/9, pp.31-2.
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to manuscript.