Procedure: protest; asking of instruments

The which day the noble and mighty lords George [Gordon], earl of Huntly, lord Gordon and Badenoch etc., Archibald [Campbell], earl of Argyll, lord Campbell and Lorne, etc., and John [Maxwell], lord Herries, protested, every one of them respectively for themselves, that no fault should be imputed to them, nor any of them, for any cause bygone committed or done by them since 10 June 1567, albeit they have not done such things as they should have done obediently and as became them of their duty. [James Stewart, earl of Moray], my lord regent's grace, in presence of the three estates of parliament, declared that he forgave and forgives the said earls and lord for any occasion bygone, and likewise all other lieges of this realm, which will, in time coming, assist to the king's majesty and his regent in the affairs taken on hand by him and the persons assisting to them and punishment of the murder of the king. And thereafter, the aforesaid declaration made by my lord regent's grace, being voted by the three estates of parliament, they likewise declared according to the aforesaid declaration of the said lord regent, whereupon the said earls and lord asked instruments.

  1. APS, iii, p.34. Original source not yet discovered.