Concerning the act of parliament, made of before, of the declaration of [Mary], our sovereign lord's mother's perfect age

Item, concerning the act made in parliament held at Edinburgh, 15 December 1564, wherein it was declared by act and authorised by our sovereign lord's dearest mother in the aforesaid parliament, declaring and finding her grace and her predecessors and posterity, princes of this realm, to have been and to be at the lawful and perfect age of 21 years complete. Nonetheless the said act being printed, the printer thereof has negligently omitted the form of act of parliament; therefore, our sovereign lord, with advice of [James Stewart, earl of Moray], my lord regent, and three estates of this present parliament, has found the fault in the printer of the said act, and therefore ordains the same to be of new printed according to the principal act in the register of the said parliament held the day and year above-written, of the which the tenor follows: Concerning the article proposed to the queen's majesty and three estates of parliament, making mention of an act of parliament made by King James II of good memory, of the date 20 March 1437 [1438], and of another act made by King James IV in his revocation, making mention of 21 years of age, of the date 15 February 1489 [1490], as the said acts respectively at more length purport; desiring, therefore, our sovereign lady and three estates of this present parliament to declare the said acts and other acts following concerning the lawful and perfect age of the prince, if it be at 21 years complete; who have declared and declare that the queen's majesty's predecessors, kings of this realm, were by the said acts of lawful and perfect age at 21 years complete, likewise her highness, being of 21 years of age complete, is of perfect and lawful age, so that her highness, her predecessors and successors after the said age of 21 years complete might have done, and may do, all things that thereafter a prince of lawful and perfect age might have done, or may do, of the law.

  1. The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (Edinburgh, 1568), ff.14v-15r. Bound with earlier parliamentary material at NLS, Black Acts, 1566-94, H.33.c.21, Scots Acts of Parliament, H.33.c.23 or Scots Acts, H.33.c.25.