The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 9 November 2024
That na private coventiounis be maid to desput on the Scriptour
Item, that nane hald nor latt be haldin in thaire housis nor uthir wayis congregationis or conventculis to commone or despute of the Haly Scriptoure without thai be theologis apprevit be famouse universiteis or admittit tharto be thame that hes lauchfull power; and inlikwyise that na man, quhatsumevire stait or conditioune he be, luge, ressave, cherise nor favour ony heretike; and in caise ony ressavis or knawis thaim quhaire thai are, sall incontinent denunce and accuse thaim to the nixt lauchtfull officiare of justice under the pane to be punist as heretikis.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.51r.