The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Generale remissioune grentit be the kingis grace to all his liegis
Item, oure sovirane lord, understanding the grett occasioune and evill exemple for the tyme gevin to his lordis, baronis and all his liegis to committ and do the tyme of his lese aige sic offencis and crimes of tresoune and utherwayis quhilk deservis grett and hie punisment, quhilkis, as his grace understandis, be the gude and trew service done be thame to him sen his cuming to perfite age, tha wald nocht haif done nor committit; and becaus his grace thinkis that he will nocht be unremembrand and ungrate for the gude and thankfull service done to him be his saidis erlis, lordis, baronis and liegis of all degreis, hes remittit and forgifin and, be the tenour of this acte, remittis and forgevis to all his saidis liegis all maner of crimes of tresoune done be thame in oure sovirane lordis tyme that last decest and his predecessouris, kingis of Scotland, and in his hienes awin tyme unto the day and dait of this present acte, the intellegence with Archibald, sumtyme erle of Anguis, George Dowglas, his broder, and umquhile Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindie, thare eme, sen the tyme of the geving of dome of forfaltoure aganis thame alanerlie exceptit, and therfor exhortis and prayis presentlie all his baronis and liegis to be trew and thankfull subjectis unto his hienes as he sall nocht faill to be gude, thankfull and loving king to thame; and that the copy of this acte sufficientlie extractit sall be sufficient remissioune without ony uther particular writing.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.40r-v.