The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Off chesing of capitanis in every parrochyne
Item, that exercitioune may be had throwith all the realme amangis all oure sovirane lordis liegis for exercing of thare personis in ordoure, swa that be lering of ordoure and bering of thare wapnis in tyme of paice thai may be the mair expert to put thame selfis in ordoure hastaly and keip the samin in tyme of neid. It is thocht that this artikule is warray necessar to be providit and, therfor, statutis and ordanis that every schirrreff, stewart, ballies, provest, aldermen and ballies of burrowis, lordis and balyeis of regaliteis at every wapinschawing concur and sitt doune with the kingis gracis commissaris that sall happin to be depute to thame, and thai togidder to consult with the maist abill personis of the scire, and eftir that thai haif rollit the namis of every man with thare harnes and wapnis, cheise ane abill man for every parrochin or ma as it is of gretness, or for smaller parrochinnis ane, quha sall be capitan or capitanis to the cumpaneis of the saidis parrochynis and sall leir thame to gang in ordoure and beir thare wappinis, and sall convine thare saidis cumpaneis tuise at the lest in every moneth of the monethis of Maii, Junii and Julii, at quhat dayis thai sall think maist expedient, upoune halidayis befor nune, and als in all utheris monethis geif thai may gudelie, and thare exerce thame in maner forsaid; and that na man dissobey the saidis personis, capitanis to be depute and chosin as said is, under the pane to be punist at the kingis grace will; and that the saidis capitanis be chosin as oft as beis sene expedient be the schireff of the schire, commissaris and counsale admittit to him to that effecte.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.39v-40r.