That the army of Scotland be unhorsit except greit baronis

Item, anentis the maner of cuming of all oure sovirane lordis lieges to weir, horsit and unhorsit, the kingis grace understandis the gret hurt, scaith and dampnage done in cuming of multitude of horsemen throw distructioune of cornis, medowis and hanyng of pure folkis, and als the grett impediment maid be thame in the host quhare that all men man fecht upoune fute, therfor has statute and ordanit that na maner of men haif horse with him bot be reddy to gang on fute fra the place that sall pleise the kingis grace to assigne to be the first meting and asembling of his army, excepte cariage horse alanerlie; and gif ony man cumis on horse back or bringis horse with him excepte for his cariage as said is, that he incontinent send his horse hame agane with ane rynand boy and with na sensable man or able of persoune to beir wapnis under the pane of deid. Providing awayis that albeit this acte is maid generale, the effecte therof sall nocht be extendit till erlis, lordis, baronis and grett landit men, bot that thai and sic utheris as salbe thocht expedient be the kingis grace or his lieutenentis sall pass on horse bak quhare evir the kingis grace movis with his army.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.38v.