Wapynschaulingis to be twise in the yeir

Item, tuiching the first artikule anentis the wapinschewin, it is thoycht necessare that wapinschawingis be maid tuise in the yeire outthrowith all the realme, that is to say in the monethis of Junii and Octobere at sic day or dayis and place as sall pleise the schireff, stewart, ballies, provestis, aldermen of burrowis till assigne eftir the quantite of the schire, gif the monstouris can nocht be all tane on ane day, and that thai mak warningis tharto upoune the prominitioune of xx dais; and at the saidis munstouris be tane be the schireff of the scire, provest and balyeis of burrowis and balyeis of regaliteis and utheris commissaris quheme the kingis grace plesis to assigne to thame. And becaus thai haif bene sa lang out of use of making of wapingschawing, it is thocht expedient that the samin be maid thrise for the first yeire, and the first tyme to be on the morne eftir Laif Sounday nixt tocum.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.38r-v.