The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
For ordouring of processe of forfaltouris
In presens of the kingis grace and hale thre estatis of parliament Maister James Foulis of Colintoune, clerk of register, prelocutour for oure sovirane lord, and at his gracis command, schew and declarit how thare is diverse domes of forfaltour gevin aganis diversis personis for crimes of lese majestie baith in parliament and justice courtis, and in speciale aganis Archibald, sumtime erle of Anguise, George Dowglas, his broder, and umquhile Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindy, thare eme, Jhone, sumtym lord Glamis, umquhile Schir James Hammiltoune of Fynnart, knycht, and umquhile Jhone Lyoune of Knokcany; and becaus the memour of tratouris suld remane to the schame and sclander of thame that ar cumin of thame and to be terrour to all utheris to commit siclik in tymes cuming, and becaus bukis may be tint and, throw oft handilling, be worne away, and utheris wayis the saidis domes of forfaltoure be distroyit, that therfor that all the saidis thre estatis wald think, geif it war expedient, that the saidis domes of forfaltoure war furth drawin of the bukis and auctentikly copeit and that the kingis grace suld append his grett sele tharto, and siclik all the thre estatis suld append thare selis to the samin for the fortificatioune, approbatioune and confirmatioune therof, the quhilk desire all the thre estatis thoycht verray resonable and be sensement of parliament thoycht the samin to be done and grantit to append thare selis to the auctentik extracte of all the saidis forfaltouris baith gevin in parliament and perticuler justice courtis. Than incontinent Maister Thomas Ballenden of Auchinnoschill, justice clerk to oure sovirane lord, producit the auctentik extractis of the domes of forfaltoure gevin aganis the said Jhone, sumtyme lord Glammis and Schir James Hamiltoun of Fynnart, knycht, and umquhile Jhone Lyoune of Knokcane, to the effecte that the samin may be put and registrate in the bukis of parliament to be extractit under oure said sovirane lordis sele and the selis of the thre estatis as said is. And attoure, our said soverane lord, with avise and consent of his said thre estatis, gaif command to the said Maistere James Foulis, clerk of his registri, to geif out the auctenty copy of the saidis domes of forfaltour to pass as said is under his grete sele and under the selis of his saidis thre estatis, off the quhilkis decretis of forfaltouris gevin in oure said soverane lordis justice courtis presentit as said is and subscrivit be the said Maister Thomas, clerk of justry, the tenour followis:
Curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta et inchoata in pretorio burgi de Edinburgh, die Mercurii decimo octavo die mensis Julii, anno Domini millesimo vC trigesimo septimo coram nobile et potente domino Archibaldo, comite Ergadie, domino Campbell and Lorne, justiciario generali supremi domini nostri regis, sectis vocatis, curia affirmata, assisa Robertus, dominus Maxwell, Hugo, dominus Somervale, Willelmus, magister de Glencarne, Jacobus Gordoun' de Lochinver, Ninianus Crechtoun' de Ballibut', Johannes Malvile de Raith', miles, Johannes Hume de Coldounknowis, Gilbertus, comes de Cassillis, Hugo, magister de Eglintoun', Georgeus, dominus Seytoun', Johannes Striveling de Keir, miles, David Barclay de Matharis, Andreas, dominus Uchiltre, Jacobus Touris de Innerlet', miles, Alexander Fres[o]r de Phillort', Johannes, dominus Glammis, convectus de arte et parte proditorie concelationis, conspirationis et imaginationis, intoxicationis et distructionis nobilissime persone supremi domini nostri regis et de arte et parte cum Joneta Douglas, domina de Glammis, sua matre, in sua proditoria imaginatione, intoxicatione et distructione nobilissime persone supremo domino nostro regis, et propteria forisfecit suam vitam, terras et hereditates suas et omnia bona sua mobilia et immobilia tanquam eschaeta supremo domino nostro regi secum et suis successoribus pro perpetuo remansur'. Curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta et inchoata in pretorio burgi de Edinburgh, die Lune xvjo die mensis Augusti, anno Domini jM vC quadragesimo, coram nobili et potente Domino Archibaldo, comite Ergadie, domino Campbell et Lorne, justiciario generali supremi domini nostri regis, sectis vocatis, curia affirmata, assisa Georgeus, comes de Huntlie, Jacobus, comes de Arrane, Willelmus, comes Mariscalli, Willelmus, comes de Montros, Gilbertus, comes de Cassillis, Johannes, comes Atholie, Hugo, comes de Eglintoun', Robertus, dominus Maxuell, Hugo, dominus Somervale, Henricus, dominus Methven, Malcomus dominus Fleming, Willelmus Cunynghame, miles, magister de Glencarne, Hugo, dominus Fresor de Lovat', Willelmus Lauder urade Haltoun', Willelmus Cunynghame de Glengarnok, David Ramsay de Culluthe, Jacobus Dowglas de Drumlanrig, Robertus Moubray de Barinbowgall, Johannes Malvile de Raith', miles, Johannes dominus Lindesay de Biris, Jacobus Lundy de Balgony, Jacobus Hammiltoun' de Fynnart, miles, convictus de arte et parte proditorie sagittationis et emissionis machinarum extra palatium de Linlethqw et campanili eiusdem ad personam propriam supremi domini nostri regis et personas in comitiva sua pro tempore existentas tam tempore quo idem dominus noster rex venit ad oppidum de Linlethqw quam quo recessit ab eodem et specialiter ad hospitium suum in dicto oppido sua serenitate ibidem dictarum machinarum tempore emissionis personaliter et actualiter existente, et pro arte et parte proditorie imaginationis, inventionis seu consultationis vulgariter devising occisionis eiusdem supremi domini nostri regis tempore quo locutus est cum Archibaldo Dowglas et Jacobo Dowglas de Parkheid apud Capellam Sancti Leonardi prope Edinburgh post forisfacturam Archibaldi, olim comitis Angusie, Georgii Douglas, eius fratris, et dicti Archibaldi Douglas, sui patrui, et obsidionem castri de Tamptalloun' in consultatione vulgariter devising dictis le Douglass' qualiter ipsi intrarent per fenestrum prope partem superiorem thori, le Bedheid, in palacio suo prope monasterium Sancte Crucis et ibidem crudiliter intersectionem supremi domini nostri regis committerent et perpetrarent ac pro communi proditore et conspiratore contra ipsius personam nobilissimam suum regnum et ligeos et propteria laudum et judicium redditum fuit quod ipse Jacobus suam vitam, terras, redditus, possessiones ac omnia bona sua mobilia et immobilia supremo domino nostro regi amissit et forisfecit tanquam sua eschaeta secum et suis successoribus pro perpetuo remansur'.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.36v-38r.