The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
The acte of annexatioune
Item, becaus it is understand and wele avisitlie considerit be the kingis grace and the thre estatis of his realme, beand assemlit in this present parliament, that the patrimonie of his croune and revenois therof being augmentit is the grett weill and proffitt baith to the kingis grace and all his liegis, and therfor it is thocht expedient that oure said sovirane lord, followand the gude exemple of his predecessouris, suld annex to his crone for the honorabill support of his estate riale in all aventouris and caises, baith in weir and paice, sic landis and lordschipis as ar now presentlie in his handis that ar nocht annext of befor, and the saidis landis being annext to remane perpetualie with the crowne may nowithir be gevin away in fee nor franktenement to ony personis, quhatevir estate or degre thai be of, without avise, decrete and deliverance of the hale parliament, and for the grett resonable cause concerning the welefair of the realme first to be avisit and degestlie considerit be the hale estatis; and albeit it sall happin oure sovirane lord that now is, or ony his successouris, kingis of Scotland, to annalie and dispone the saidis lordschipis, landis, castellis, townis, donationis and advocationis of kirkis and hospitalis, with thare partinentis, to the crowne as said annext, that the alienatioune and dispositioune salbe of nane avale, bot it salbe lefull to the king for the tyme to ressaif tha landis to his awin use quhen evir it likis his grace but ony proces of law, and the takerris sall refound and pay all proffittis that thai haif tane up of tha landis agane to the king for all the tyme that thai haif had thame, with sic uther restrectionis as is contenit in the actis of parliament maid be his maist nobill predecessouris, kingis of Scotland, in the annexatioune to the crowne; and, tharefor, his hienes, with avise and counsale of his thre estatis, hes annext to his crone to remane tharwith in maner forsaid thir landis eftir following:
In the first, the landis and lordschipis of all his Ilis, south and north; the tua Kintyris, with the castellis partening tharto and thare pertinentis; the landis and lordschip of Orknay and Yetland and the ilis pertening thareto and thare pertinentis; the landis and lordschip of Dowglas, with the castell, toure and fortalice therof, donationis and advocationis of kirkis and benefecis and thare pertinentis; the landis and lordschipis of Craufurd Lindesay and Crawfurd Jhone; the landis and lordschipis of Bonkill, Prestoune and Tomtallowne, with touris, fortaliceis, landis, rentis, advocationis and donationis of kirkis; the landis of Dunsire; the landis and lordschip of Jedburgh Forest; the landis and lordschip of Kerimure, with all thare pertinentis; the superiorite of all and hale the erledome of Anguis and all utheris landis, rentis and possessionis quhilkis pertenit to Archibald, sumtyme erle of Anguise the tyme of his forfaltoure and now being in oure said sovirane lordis handis be resoune therof; the landis and lordschip of Glammis that ar nocht haldin of the kirk; the landis of Baky, Balmukatyis, Tannadis, Drumgleis and Langforgund and Balhelweis, with the touris, fortalices, advocationis and donationis of kirkis and thare partinentis; the landis of Raclewch, Quhitcampt, Ovir and Nethir Howcleth; the landis, lordschip and baronie of Annendale, with the toure and fortalices therof, advocationis and donationis of kirkis, thare annexis and connexis and all thare pertinentis, siclik as umquhile James Hammiltoune of Fynnart, knycht, had and brokit the samin befor the tyme of his forfaltoure; the landis and lordschip of Liddisdale, with the castale and Armychtage, advocatioune and donatioune of kirkis and thare pertinentis, the landis and lordschip of Bothuile, with the toure, fortalice and thare pertinentis.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.35v-36v.