Off commissionis gevin in prejudice of the ordiner

Item, anent the artikule gevin in be the schireffis that quhare thai haif thare offices in heretage and gritumlie hurt be geving of commissionis to utheris officiaris in caises pertenand to thare offices, and for remeid therfor, the kingis grace, with avise of his thre estatis, has ordanit that na commissioune be gevin in tymes cuming for serving of brevis, apprising of landis bot to the juge ordiner; and gif ony party sall happin to gif in ony complant for the getting of the commissionis for ony cause that is resonable, the said commissioune sall nocht be grantit unto the tyme the said schireff, stewart and balye be warnit to here the commissioune gevin, or ellis to allege ane resonable cause quhy the samin suld nocht be gevin.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.35r.