Off notaris ordinare in schireff courtis or utherwyis

Item, for eschewing of the grett inconvenientis that dalie occurris in the reducing of the processes led befor schireffis, stewartis and balyeis of burrowis and regaliteis and baronis quhare thare is oft times producit and schewin instrumentis contrar to utheris, that is to say, the instrumentis and actis maid be the scribe of the court berand ane way, and instrumentis tane in uther notaris handis berand ane uther way, and oftimes allegiance that was nevir hard nor understand to the juge, his assisouris or utheris membris of court; tharefor, in tymes cuming, it is statute and ordanit that all instrumentis, notis and actis be maid and tane in the handis of the scribe and notar ordiner of the court or his deputtis, and gif ony party will haif ane notar with him for mair securite, at that notar pass and stand within bar, in quhais handis it salbe lefull to ony party to tak documentis, togidder with the notar of court, and that ilk ane of thame be insert witnesses to utheris, with ane parte of the maist famouse personis, assisouris or utheris membris of court being within bar, with sic uther honest men as ar present; with certificatioune gif this forme and fassioune be nocht kepit, that the instrument takin in ony utheris notaris handis nor the scribe of court sall haif na faith; and gif the notar and scribe of court refusis to giff instrumentis, actis or notis to ony personis desirand the samin, he sall tyne his office and salbe callit and punist in his persoune and gudis at the kingis grace will.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.34v-35r.