Off geving of sesingis

Item, it is devisit, statute and ordanit, for eschewing of inconvenientis of the geving of sesingis be private notaris quhais names ar oft times unknawin and thare prothogollis can nocht be gottin in caise the principale instrument be tint, distroyit, subtractit and halding away, for eschewing hereof, that all sesingis be gevin in tymes cuming be the schireff clerk or his deputis, quhame for he sall ansuer, and be nane utheris, upoune all preceptis that passis be the chancelarie, and all utheris sesingis to be gevin be famous notaris admittit tharto and be nane utheris.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.34r.