The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Anentis indorsing of lettrez
Item, that all schireffis, stewartis and balyeis cause thare maris and officiaris quha sall execute the kingis lettres and chargis, or thare awin preceptis, to haif ane signet and in it gravit the first lettre of thare name or first of thare surname, or ellis sum uther thing that salbe universale knawin to be thare signet, with the quhilkis thai sall signett all lettrez and preceptis execute be thame and indorsaited in times tocum; and that na indorsatioune sall haif faith nor be admittit bot thai ar signet with the saidis signettis; and siclik that all officiaris of the kingis haif thare signettis in maner forsaid and signett all lettrez and chargis executed and indorsaited be thame under the pane of deprivatioune of thame fra thare offices that makis any sic executionis without thare signettis forsaid, and gif any of thare executionis wantis thare signet, the samin sall haif na faith.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.32r-v.