The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Off setting of temporale courtis
Item, becaus oure sovirane lord hes bene and is of gude will and mynd to haif justice schortlie done to all his liegis, sua that throw lang proces his liegis be nocht lang tareit and vext in grett expense, tharefor, has statute and ordanit that all schireffis and temporale jugis sall in tymes cuming, in all personalle actionis, sett thare court peremptourlie upoune xv dais and directe thare preceptis tharupoune, and at the said day proceid summerly et de plano, the party being warnit upoune xv dais, and mak sic processes in all thingis as is usit befor the lordis of counsale and sessioune, notwithstanding ony said lawis or constitutionis maid tharupoune of befor; and all utheris materis and actionis to haf sic processes as thai haif haid in tymes bigane.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.32r.