The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
That the schireffis and utheris officiaris be present personalie at the thre heid courtis
Item, for the manteining of justice and putting of gude ordour tharto outhrouch all this realme, it is statute and ordanit that all stewartis, balyeis and schireffis hald all thare thre heid courtis be thame self in proper persoune, without thai haif just and lauchtfull excuise throw being in the kingis grace service and to testife the samin be his gracis writting, or throw seiknes that thai may nocht travell. And that the kingis grace auctorite be nocht lychtleit and his liegis want detfull administratioune of justice, it is siclik statute and ordanit that all baronis and fre halderis that aw sute and present in the saidis courtis be thare personalie and the absentis to be amerciate with all rigour; and quham that aw bot sute, that thai send thare sutouris, honest and qualifeit men hable to decide upoune ony cause conformand to the said law, and that the saidis schireffis, stewartis and balyeis admitt nane utheris, as he will ansuer to the kingis grace; and quha that cumis to the court, that he ansuer for himself and remane quhill the samin be done and endit, and to pass upoune inquestis and assise and assist to the kingis schireffis, stewartis and balyeis in the administratioune of justice and doing of thare offices and service conforme to thare infeftmentis as thai will ansuer to the kingis grace upoune thare utirmest charge.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.31v.