Addicioun to the act of cursing

Item, it is statute and ordanit for augmenting, strenthning and helping of the acte maid upoun cursit folkis and geving of the kingis lettres thareupoun, and to meit frivole appellationis, that the kingis lettres sall haif place to poynd and distrenze etc., supposis it be dewlie appelit, yere and day being bipast, the appelland nocht bringand hame his commissioun within yeire and day cessante justo impedemento; and the party quhomefor the kingis lettres sall happin to be gevin, findand sufficient cautioune befor the lordis of counsale to refound the gudis and geir that sall happin to be poyndit be vertu of the saidis lettres, geif it sall happin the sentence quhare upoun the saidis lettrez salbe gevin to be retretit be the juge delegate, notwithstanding ony appellatioun therfra, the party appellatioune being warnit and callit to hear the souritie and cautioune tane and that the party appeland schawand befor the saidis lordis the sentence retractatoure, lettres be directed to poynd the saidis soureteis therfor.

Thir ar the actis followand made be oure sovirane lord King James the Fift, in his parliament haldin etc., the yeire of God, jM vC and xl yeris
Off fredome of Halikirk

Item, in the first, it is statute and ordanit that the auctorite of Halikirk be mantenit and defendit in all thar prevelege and liberteis as thai haif bene in oure sovirane lordis tyme that now is and his predecessouris, kingis of Scotland, of maist nobill mynd bipast.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.31r.
  2. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.31r.