The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
The kingis grace revocatioune
We, James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, understandand clerlie the privilege of the canoune law, actis and statutis of oure realme, providit and gevin to the succours2 of all maner of personis to revoik, cassis and adnull all thingis done be thame in thare youthheid and lesse aige, quhare throw thai ar gretlie and hevilie dampnagit and scaithit in thare heretagis be imprudent alienationis, donationis and venditionis of the samyn, and that thai may at thar perfite aige revoik the samin of all thingis done be thame prejudiciale in thair menorite and lesse aige and, tharefor, oure predecessouris, kingis of Scotland, at thar perfit aige of xxv yeris past hes, in tymes bigane, maid revocatioune of all sic thingis that hes bene done be thame in hurt and detriment of thare crowne, landis, rentis and possessionis pertening to the samin, and uther thingis quhare intill thai, be circumventioune, war dampnagit and scaithit, maid thair revocatioune cassand and adnulland all sic giftis, alienationis and donationis; herefor, we, at oure perfite aige of xxv yeris byrunnyn, beand for the tyme furth of oure realme in the partis of France, maid oure generale revocatioune schortlie at Rowane, the thrid day of Aprile, the yeire of God jM vC xxxvij yeris, as at mare lenthe is contenit in one instrument maid tharupoune subscrivit with the hand of Maister George Cuk, notare publicte, off the quhilk the tenour followis:
We, for certane grett and resonable causes moving ws and haifand respecte to the welle of oure croune and commoune wele of oure realme, revokis all maner of giftis, infeftmentis and dispositionis quhatsumevir we haif maid, or hes bene maid, be our tutouris and governouris for the tyme during oure minorite and lesse aige, in quhatsumevire cause or caise that thai man cum under revocatioune be the commoune law or consuetude of oure realme, protesting solempnitlie that oure absence furth of the samin at this tyme and the solempniteis requirit on that behalf nocht being done be to ws na prejudice anentis the said revocatioune,3 with the quhilkis we dispence and suppleis all faltis tharwith be oure kinglie power and auctorite riale, and will that this stand for oure generale revocatioune of all maner of thingis done be ws or oure saidis tutouris, and the samin to be extendit in the maist ample and large forme as ony utheris revocationis maid be oure maist nobill fader or oure progenitouris kingis of Scotland. The quhilkis oure said generale revocatioune we, in this present parlliament, with the avise and consent of oure thre estatis, ratifiis and apprevis, and yit as eftir followis revoikis, cassis and annullis in generale and als in speciale.
In the first, we revoik, cassis and adnullis all infeftmentis, donationis, alienatiounis and dispositionis maid be ws, oure tutouris or governouris or regentis in oure lesse aige in ony maner of way in fee, fewferme or franktenement of ony landis, lordschipis, custumes, annuellis, fischeingis, burrow malis and castell wardis annext to oure croune or ony part therof, als weill gevin be oure fader, quhem God assolye, as be ws to ony persoune or personis incontrar the actis maid tharupoune of befor, to be reducit agane to ws and to oure croune be vertu of the actis and statutis maid of annexationis and eftir the forme of the samin.
Item, we revoik all alienationis of ony rentis, landis and heretagis annext to the principalite and to the prince,4 secund persoune of the realme, maid be ws in maner forsaid.
Item, in likwise we revoik, cassis and adnullis all donationis, alienationis, fewfermes and giftis quhatsumevir in lifrent or uther wayis in oure nonaige, of the landis, rentis, annuellis or ony uther revenois that oure fader had in his possessioune the tyme of his deceise, be gift or utherwayis, and of all offices sic as chalmerlawris, ballieriis and custumaris maid for ma yeris bot fra one chakker quhill the compte be maid in the nixt chakker therefter followand, and als all assedationis and takkis maid for longer termes nor five yeris.
Item, inlikwise we revoik and cassis all talyeis maid fra the airis generale to the airis male of ony landis within or realme aganis the law and gude conscience.
Item, we revoik all new infeftmentis of landis gevin in blanchferme that war haldin of ws of befor be service of ward and releif.
Item, we revoik all regalitiis and confirmationis of the regaliteis, and of all offices gevin be ws in heretage or be oure fader aganis the actis and statutis that na regalite suld be gevin in heretage without avise and deliberatioune of the hale parliament.
Item, we revoik all alienationis maid of ony heretages in oure nonage that become lauchtfullie in oure handis be resoune of forfaltoure, bastardrie or uther wayis, and lifrentis gevin therof in oure minorite.
Item, we revoik all new creationis of landis and baroneis and annexationis and unionis of diverse landis into fee in prejudice of oure dew service aucht to ws and oure progenitouris of befor. And siclik we revoik all dischargis of service of sutis of courtis aucht of auld to oure progenitouris.
Item, we revoik all new infeftmentis gevin of creatioune of baronis in the landis and lordschipis annext to oure crone.
Item, we revoik all giftis and confirmatiounis gevin be ws of quhatsumevir landis and heretages be evill and fals sucgestioune be the expreming of ane fals cause, quhare gif thai had bene expremitt ane trew cause and the verite, we had nocht gevin the samin and, therthrow, we ar gritumlie and enormlie hurt.
And generalie we revoikes, cassis and adnullis all and quhatsumevire thingis done be ws in oure lesse aige in detriment and harms of oure saule and conscience, hurting of the privilege of our crowne, prejudiciale to the samin and to ws in oure patrimonie therof, and quhat the commoune law and consuetude of oure realme levis ws to revoik. And this oure revocatioune to be of als grett effecte and als largelie extendit, in generale and in speciale, as ony revocationis maid be ony oure progenitouris, kingis of Scotland, of befor, and specialie be oure darrest fader of gude mynd, quhem God assolye, and King James the Secund. And protestis, suppois we, of oure favoris and benevolence, suffer ony persoune or personis to use or posside ony privilegis or possessionis of landis, rentis and offices that ar fallin under oure revocatioune, it sall mak na rycht to the usaris or halderis therof, bot it sall be lefull to ws to put our handis tharto quhene evir it sall pleise ws, but ony contradictioune be vertu of oure said revocatioune, actis and constitutionis of our realme maid of befor.
- NAS, PA2/8, III, f.29r-30v.
- 'succours' replaces deleted 'successouris'.
- 'prejudice anentis the said revocatioune', partly illegible due to damage to manuscript.
- Prince James Stewart, duke of Rothesay, who died in infancy in 1541 or 1542.