Ratificacioune and pronunciatioune of the actis of the last parliament

Item, the kingis grace, with avise and consent of the thre estatis of parliament, forsamekle as thare was diverse statutis, constitutionis and actis maid in the last parliament for the honour of God and Halikirk, wele of oure soverane lord, zele of justice and concerning the commoune wele of this realme and liegis therof, quhilk remanit at that tyme unpronuncit and auctorizate be his grace and thre estatis, tharefor hes divisit, statute and ordanit that the saidis actis be now pronuncit in his hienes presens and thre estatis, swa that the samin may be kepit in tyme tocum as law in this realme, with auctorite of the hale body of parliament, off the quhilkis statutis the tenouris are precedant.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.28v.