That na man sale in Flandris bot twise in the yeir

2Item, it is statute and ordanit for the honeste of the realme, wele and proffett of all oure soverane lordis liegis, specialie his burrowis and merchandis of his realme, that na schip be frauchtit nor merchandis sale therin with thare gudis and merchandice furth of the realme in Flandris bot twise in the yeir, that is to say, to the Pasche mercate and Rude mercate under the pane to ilk persoune cuming in the contrar hirof of xx lib. to be rasit and inbrocht to the kingis grace use.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.22v; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.21v.
  2. Marginalia: 'supersedetur', deleted. Also, 'pronuncitur' written in margin below, in PA2/8, II version.