Anentis merchandis that salis incontrar the actis maid of before

2Item, it is statute and ordanit be the kingis grace and thre estatis of parliament that the acte and statute maid be umquhile oure soverane lord King James the Thrid, and als ratifiit and apprevit be umquhile oure soverane lord that last decessit, of gude mynd, quham God assolye, tuiching merchantis passand with thair merchandice furth of the realme to France, Flandris or ony uther partis, that na merchand sale without he have half ane last of gudis of his awine, or ellis in governance as factor to uther merchandis, be putt to executioune in all punctis in tyme tocum efter the forme and tennour of the samyn, and ratifiis and apprevis the said acte and statute now in this present parliament; and attoure ordanis the provest or ballies of burrowis situate at ilk port of the realme to serche and seik the personis, brekaris of the said statutis, and that thai distrenze ilk persoune, brekar therof, for the soume of xx lib., to be appliit on this wyse, that is to say, the tane haif to oure soverane lordis use and the tother haif to the provest or ballies for thaire laubouris, and that thai mak compt therof yerelie in the chekker; and gif the provest or ballies of the saidis burrowis be negligent in the exercyng of thair offices and power gevin to thaim, thai salbe oblist to pay the said pane of xx lib. for every man that passis and salis incontrare the said acte at that port quhair thai have jurisdictioune to the kingis grace; and als it is ordanit that na skippar, maisteris nor awneris of schippis ressave ony merchand to sale in thare schippis without thai have the names off thame in tikket, subscrivit be the saidis provest and ballies handis under the pane forsaid for ilk persoune that thai resave within thar schip, and that oure soverane lordis custumares, or ony utheris that plesis, accuse the saidis provest and ballies, gif thai be negligent in the premisse yerelie at the chekker; and lettres to be directed hereupoune in dew forme as efferis; and als that lettres be writtin to the conservatour of the natioune in Flandris contenand the effect of this acte, chargeing him to send hame the names of all merchandis resortand thare in every schip incontrare the tennor of the said acte to the thesaurare under the pane of tinsale of his office.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.22r-v; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.16r-v.
  2. Marginalia: 'Pronuncitur' in PA2/8, II version.