The remeid for delivering of thame that fleis to girth

2Item, for the mare haisty expeditioune and punyssing of thame that committis slauchter upoune forthocht fellouny and fleis to girth, conforme to the acte of parliament maid tharupoune of before, quhilk oftymes takis nane effecte throw pretense of excuse of the maisteris therof, spirituale men that will nocht deliver the saidis trespassouris to oure soverane lordis officiaris conforme to the tennor of the said acte, heirfore it is statute and ordanit be the kingis grace, with avise and consent of the thre estatis of parliament, that all maisteris of girthis within this realme sall mak sufficient responsale men ballies or masteris of girthis under thame duelland at the saidis girthis or nere therby, quham salbe haldin in all tymes cuming to deliverer all committeris of slauchter upoune forthocht fellouny that fleis to girth and utheris trespassouris that brekis the samin and may nocht bruke the privelege therof, conforme to the canone law and acte of parliament forsaid, to oure soverane lordis officiaris, askand and desirand thame to underly the law conforme to the said acte of parliament; and gif the saidis ballies failzeis tharintill, to be rigorusslie punist for thare contemptioune in thar bodeis and gudis at oure soverane lordis will, and that all maisteris off girthis, spirituale men, send to the justice clerk the names of thare ballies and maisteris of girthis depute and to be depute be thame, that quhene ony sik crymes are committit and done, that lettres may be directed to all schireffis, ballies or stewartis within quhais boundis the saidis girthis ar to charge the saidis ballies or maisteris to deliverer to thame the saidis trespassouris conforme to the said acte of parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.21v-22r; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.15v-16r.
  2. Marginalia: 'Pronuncitur' in PA2/8, II version.