For inbringing of the kingis grace propirtie and casualite

2Item, for the inbringing of our soverane lordis propirtie and casualiteis yerelie to his chekker, sua that his thesaurar and comptrollar may be wele furnest far perfurnessing of all sik thingis quhilk pertenis thame to do, and that in tymes cuming thai sal have na caus to plenye bot in thair aune defalt and necgligence,3 it is herfore statute and ordanit that all schireffis, stewartis, custumaris, chalmerlanis and utheris intromettouris with oure soverane lordis propirtie compere at every chekker quhare it salbe haldin for the tyme, and mak thaire comptis and full payment equal with the rollis befor thare departing, ilk ane for thare awine part safer as thai have intromettit with or mycht intromett be resoun of thair office, thai doand diligence tharto4 under the pane of5 warding of thair persounis, thare to reman during the kingis will; and as for the casualiteis, ordanis all schireffis, stewartis, ballies and utheris that aucht to mak compt, reknyng and payment of the samin to compere yerelie in the chekker be thame selfis, or thar sufficient deputis, at the day assignit to thame be the precepte, and thare mak compt, reknyng and payment of all sik casualiteis and do thair utir diligence tharto be the consideratioune of the lordis auditouris, and depart nocht forsaid quhill thai have done the samin under the pane forsaid.6

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.20v-21r. Not contained in NAS, PA2/8, III version.
  2. Marginalia: 'supersedetur', deleted. Also, 'pronuncitur' written in margin below.
  3. Superscript, 'bot in thar aune defalt and necgligence', inserted into text.
  4. Marginalia, 'safer as ... diligence therto', inserted into text.
  5. Originally followed by 'tynsale of thare offices and nocht the les thare gudis and landis to be poyndit for the restis', deleted.
  6. Originally followed by 'of tinsale of thare offices that hes the samyn in heretage and utheris that hes nocht sik offices in heretage to tyne the samyn for evir and nocht the less gudis and landis to be pundit for the restis', deleted.