For bigging of strenthis on the bordouris

2Item, it is statut and ordanit for saiffing of men, thare gudis and gere upoune the bordouris in tyme of were and all uther trublous tyme, that every landit man duelland in the inland or upoune the bordouris havand thare ane hundreth pund land of new extent sall big ane sufficient barmkyn apoune his heretage and landis in place maist convenient, of stane and lyme, contenand thre score futis of the square, ane eln thick and vj elnys heicht, for the resett and defense of him, his tennentis and thar gudis in trublous tyme, with ane toure in the samin for him self gif he thinkis it expedient; and that all uther landit men of smallar rent and revenew big pelis and gret strenthis as thai pleise for saifing of thare selfis, men, tennentis and gudis, and that all the saidis strenthis, barmkynnis and pelis be biggit and completit within twa yere under the pane.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.19v. Not contained in NAS, PA2/8, III version.
  2. Marginalia: 'Consolutor Rex', deleted; Also, 'deleatur'; 'Nota'.