The remeid for distructioune of housis, places,2 woddis, forestis, orchartis, yardis and hanyngis of landis fallin in ward

3Item, because it is unproffittable and inutile to mak lawis and statutis for polecy to be had without the sammyn be kepit, and becaus sik ordoure and provisioune as is devisit for polecy may failye be falling of landis in to ward or geving of the samin in conjunct fee or lyfrent, tharefor the kingis grace, with avise of his thre estatis, ordanis the acte maid tharupoune be the maist excellent prince King James the Ferd, his fader, of maist noble mynd, to be observit and kepit in all punctis, ratifiis and apprevis the samin, and that all schireffis, stewartis, ballies and uther officiaris, baith in regalite and ryalte, and siclike spirituale men within thare landis and to burgh, putt the samin to executioune in all punctis. That is to say, all officiaris within the ryaltie4and lordis of regalites under the pane of refounding to the heretouris of sick landis fallin in ward at thare perfite aige of all dampnage and scaithe that thai sall happin to sustene throw thare negligence, thai being requirit tharto be the persoune that is in ward or his frenndis;5 and gif the wardatouris, ladyis of conjunct fee or lyfrent6 of sik landis refusis to find souirtie conforme to the said acte, thai beand requirit tharto be the schireff, stewart, ballie, provest or alderman in burgh, that the said schireff and officiaris, ilkman within his awine boundis, charge thame to find the said souirte conforme to the said acte personalie or be oppin proclamatioune at the heid burg of the schire quhare the saidis landis lyis within xxj dais nixt efter thai be chargit tharto, under the pane of wanting of the proffett of all sik ward landis, conjunctfee or lifrentis7to be inbrocht to the kingis use ay and quhill the said cautioune be sufficientlie findin; and that the lordis auditouris of chekker and thesaurar for the tyme inquire diligentlie in every chekker, at all schireffis and utheris officiaris forsaid at the making of thare comptis, gif the said cautioune be sufficientlie fundin and gett certificatioune therof.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.16v-17r; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.12r-v.
  2. 'manor places' contained in title of PA2/8, III version.
  3. Marginalia: 'P' in PA2/8, II version.
  4. Followed by 'under the pane of tynsale of thair offices', deleted in PA2/8, II version.
  5. Marginalia, 'thai being requirit tharto be the persoune that is in ward or his frenndis', inserted into text in PA2/8, II version.
  6. Marginalia, 'ladyis of conjunct fee or lyfrent' inserted into text in PA2/8, II version.
  7. Marginalia, 'conjunctfee or lifrentis', inserted into text in PA2/8, II version.