For keping of forestis

2Item, for keping of all forestis, woddis and parkis within the realme for wild bestis and hunting, it is devisit, statute and ordanit that all maner of persounis clamand thame to have office of forestrie in heretage or takkis3 of the kingis graces forestis salbe called at sik day and place as plesis the kingis grace, his comptrollar and advocate,4 for productioune and schewing of thare rychtis and infeftmentis be the quhilkis tha clame the saidis offices to pertene to thame, to be sene and considerit be the lordis of counsale and quhat clausis thai contene, sua that gude reule and ordour may be putt to thaim for keping of the saidis forestis in tyme cuming, with certificatioune that quhether thai compere or nocht, the kingis grace, with avise of his lordis, will dispone upoune the saidis offices and mak sik constitutiounis as plesis his hienes for the gude keping of the samin, pasturing of wyld bestis and hunting tharintill in tymes cuming; and als ordanis lettres to be directed to command and charge all maner of persounis clamand the saidis offices to pertene to thame in heretage or takkis that tha lett na maner of gudis, nolt, schepe, horse, meris or uther cattell to be pasturit within the kingis grace forestis, under the pane of tynsale of thare offices and escheting of thare movable gudis; and gif ony maner of persoune be fundin putting thare gudis in pasturing in the saidis forestis, that thai be takin and brocht to the kingis grace presoune and thare gudis fundin in the saidis forestis to be eschetit be the keparis therof and inbrocht, the twa part to the kingis grace use and the thrid part to the keparis of the saidis forestis; and geif thai be negligent and fundin culpable, to be callit and punist therfor in thare persounes and gude and tinsale of thare offices.5 And gif thare be ony baroune or uther landit man, owther spirituale or temporale, that hes hanyt, woddis or forestis of thar awin, it salbe lefull to thame and the keparis therof to eschete all sik gude that beis fundin in maner forsaid within thare forestis to thare use.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.16r-v; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.11r-v.
  2. Marginalia: 'Pronuntitur' in PA2/8, II version.
  3. Marginalia, 'or takkis', inserted into text in PA2/8, II version.
  4. 'his comptrollar and advocate' deleted from PA2/8, III version.
  5. Marginalia, 'and geif thai be negligent ... offices', inserted into text in PA2/8, II version.