Procedure: asking of instruments
Protestatio domini cancellarii

My lord Archibischop of Glasgw, chancellar, askit instrumentis that, forsamekle as thare is ane article devisit and concludit that ane generale provinciale counsale be haldin in the Freris predicatouris of Edinburgh and to begyn the first day of Marche nixtocum, and that my lord of Sanctandrois be warnit and requirit be the kingis grace to haif the samyn, that my said lord chancellar, for the commoune wele of this realme, consentis that the said Archibischop of Sanctandrois hald the samyn without prejudice off his archibischopric of Glasgw, privelege and jurisdictioune grantit to him and his successouris. Hora xa ante meridiem.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.14v-15r; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.8v-9r.