Aganis thame that sustenis the process of cursing be the space of xl dais

2Item, because the dampnable persuasionis of heretikis and thaire perversit doctrine gevis occasioune to lychtly the process of cursing and utheris censuris of Halikirk, for the remeid herof, oure soverane lord in this present parliament hes ratifiit and apprevit and of the new makis, constitutis and ordanis the acte maid of before be his grace, with the avise of the thre estatis of his realme in his forsaid parliament, aganis thame that sustenis contempnandlie the process of cursing with new addicioune thairto, off the quhilk acte and addicioune the tennour followis:

3Item, it is statute and ordanit that, because mony and diverse the kingis liegis of this realme lyis under the horrible sentence of cursing, separate fra the suffrage and prayer of the kirk and merit of the blude of Crist, to the dampnatioune of thare saulis, evill exemple, perrell and danger of the uther gudis subditis of the realme, thairfore, quhene ony of oure soverane lordis liegis sustenis dampnablie the said horrible sentence of cursing for the space of xl dais, quhairupoune captioune aucht to be gevin be the law, the parti at quhais instance the personis ar curst sall have oure soverane lordis lettres to poynd, prise and distrenze thare gudis, movable and immovable, for payment of the soumes for quhilkis thai lay under the said sentence. And gif the saidis personis lyis under cursing be the said space for non doying or fulfilling of ony acte or deid, in that caise the personis, thare creditouris, sall have lettres in the first, secund, thrid and ferd formes according to the ordineris lettres of cursing. And this acte alwais to be na prejudice to thame that likis to tak captiounis. And albeit ane persoune may be under appellatioune that may stop the geving of sik lettres in maner aboune writtin, it is declarit and ordanit that nane appellataoune fra sentence of desertioune of appellationis befor interponit sall stop the geving of sick lettres.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.14r-v; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.8r-v.
  2. Marginalia: 'Pronuncit' in PA2/8, II version.
  3. Marginalia: 'Nota pro additione inferenda' in PA2/8, II version.