
The quhilk day our soverane lord in this present parliament, the thre estatis of this realme beand gaderit, exponit sene he and his noble progenitouris kingis of Scotland and liegis of the samin has bene first, or at the leist with the first, that evire acceptit the Cristin faith and bene maist obedient sonis to oure haly faderis the papis of Rome and the auctorite apostolik without ony manere of smot, violacioune or defectioune, and our haly faderis the papis of Rome has bene verray gracius and benevolent to his hienes and realme with all maner of privilegeis and benefitis, and maist of all Pape Clement, now pape of Rome, has bene maire gracius and benevolent till his grace than to all his forbearis; quharefor, to schaw him thankfull and obedient sone to his halynes and the kirk of Rome, it is divisit, statute and ordanit be his hienes, with avise and consent of the thre estatis of parliament, that he sall keip, observe, manteine and defend the auctorite, liberte and fredome of the sete of Rome and Halikirk, and sall never mak nor statute ony actis, constituciounes, do, nor attempt nor suffire to be done, nor attemptit ony thing in contrare therof; and geif in tymes that ony thing has bene done or, in tymes cuming, sall happin to be done incontrare the auctorite, fredome and liberte of Halykirk, annullis and decernis the samin, as now as than and than as now, of nane avale, force nor effecte, and that nane of our said soverane lordis liegis be bund or oblist to obey the samin, salfand alwayis the actis foundit apone our haly fader the papis privilegis or thaim that has bene lang in lovable use, kepit and observit in oure soverane lord that now is and his maist noble progenitouris tymes.

Item, anent the secund artikle concerning the ordoure of justice, becaus our soverane is maist desyrous to have ane permanent ordour of justice for the universale wele of all his liegis and, tharefor, tendis to institute ane college of cunning and wise men, baith of spirituale and temporale estate, for the doing and administracioune of justice in all civile actiounes and, tharefor, thinkis to be chosincertane persounes maist convenient and qualifyit therfore, to the nowmere of xiiij persounes, half spirituale half temporall, with ane president; the quhilkis persounes sall be auctorizate in this present parliament to sitt and decyde apone all actiouns civile and nane utheris to have voit with thaim onto the tyme that the said college may be institute at mare lasare; and thir persounes to begyn and sitt in Edinburgh on the morne eftere Trinite Sonday quhill Lammes, and thereftire to have vacance quhill the xix day of Octobere nixt thereftir, and than to begin and sitt quhill Sanct Thomas evin effore Yule, and thereftir to begin apone the morne efter the Epiphany3 Day and sitt quhill Palmsonday evin, and therefter to begyn on the morne efter Dominica in Albis and sitt quhill Lammes; and thir persounes to be sworne to minster justice equaly to all persounes in sic causis as sall happin tocum before thaim, with sic utherir rewlis and statutis as sall pleise the kingis grace to mak and geif to thaim for ordouring of the samin. The thre estatis of this present parliament thinkis this artikule wele consavit and, tharefor, the kingis grace, with avise and consent of the saidis thre estatis, ordanis the samin to have effecte in all punctis and now ratifyis and confermes the samin and has chosin thir persounes underwrittin to the effecte forsaid, quhais processes, sentencis and decretis sall have the samin strenthe, force and effecte as the decretis of the lordis of sessioune had in all tymes bigane,4 providing alwayis that my lord chancelare, being present in this toune or uther place, he sall have voit and be principale of the said counsell, and sic uther lordis as sall pleise the kingis grace to enjone to thaim of his gret counsell to have voit siclik to the nomer of thre or foure. That is to say, the Abbot of Cambuskynneth, president, Maister Robert Bothuile, Sir Jhone Dingwell, Maister Henry Quhite, Maister Robert Schanwell, vicare of Kirkcaldy, Maister William Gibsone, Maister Thomas Hay, Maister Arthoure Boyis, the Lard of Balwery, Schir Jhone Campbell, Maister Adam Ottirburne, James Colvile of Est Wemys, the justice clerk, Maister Francis Bothuil [and] Maister James Lausoune, and thir lordis to subscrive all deliverance and nane utheris eftire that thai begyn to sitt to minster justice.

Item, anent the artikule for saving and keping gould, silvire and uther money within the realme, it is statute and ordanit that the actis maid herapoune of before be put to dew and scherp executioune in all punctis, and6 that sercheoris be chosin tharto as the kingis grace sall think maist expedient.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.3r (f.2v left blank); NAS, PA2/8, III, f.2v.
  2. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.3v; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.3r-v.
  3. Written in superscript, replacing 'New Yer', deleted.
  4. 'That is to say', deleted.
  5. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.4r; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.3v.
  6. 'now presently chesis', deleted.