The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Committee members: lords of the articles
- Domini electi ad articulos
- Pro clero
- Archiepiscopus Sanctiandrois
- Archiepiscopus Glasguen
- Episcopus Dunkeld
- Episcopus Morauien
- Electus Abirdonen
- Episcopus Candidecase
- Abbas de Cambuskynneth
- Abbas de Arbroth
- Pro baronibus
- Comites:
- Huntlie
- Ergadie
- Murray
- [Deleted entry]2
- Rothes
- Domini:
- Erskin
- Ja' Hammilton
- Balwery
- Rotulator
- Pro commissariis burgorum
- Prepositus Edinburgh
- Prepositus de Perth
- Prepositus de Abirdene
- Prepositus de Striveling
- M[agister] Fs' Bothuile
- M[agister] Ja' Lausone
- NAS, PA2/8, II, f.2r; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.2r.
- 'Monthrose', deleted from PA2/8, II copy and not found in PA2/8, III copy.