Procedure: protest; asking of documents

2Maister Adame Ottirburne protestit that quhat ware done anent the graunting and ratificacioune of thair fewis within writtin suld nocht hurth nor turne oure soverane lord to na prejudice be na manere of way tuiching the patrimone of his croune.

4Jhone Logane of Lestalrig, Gilbert Wauchop of Nudry and [...] askit documentis that oure soverane lord, be the avise and auctoritie of parliament, create and namyt Robert Bertoune, sone to Robert Bertoune of Ovir Berntoune, to be of the surname of Mowbrayis and will that he bruke the said surname in tyme tocum and he to be callit Mowbray commonly amangis all his liegis efter the forme and tenour of the appunctuament maid betuix umquhile [...] Mowbray of Bernbowgall and the said Robert Bertoune, eldare, becaus the samyn has bene ane auld honorable house and done oure soverane lordis successouris gude service in his weris and uther wayis, and the said Robert Bertoune, yongare, is to mary [...] Mowbray, the dochtire and air of the said umquhile [...] Mowbray, and will nocht that the said house pass fra the surname. Hora xj.

6Jhone Striveling of the Keire, knycht, askit documentis that Maister Adam Ottirburne, George Douglas and Sir James Hammiltoune, beand personaly present, opponit thame nocht nor allegit na thing aganis the retractatioune of the process of forfaltoure led aganis the said lard efter the tenour of the summondis rasit tharupoune. Hora predicta.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.58r.
  2. Copy, or possibly a draft copy, of 1527/10. Order as found in PA2/8 MSS, not contained in APS.
  3. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.58r.
  4. Copy, or possibly a draft copy, of 1527/11 with variations. Order as found in PA2/8 MSS, not contained in APS. See also 1527/23.
  5. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.58r.
  6. Copy, or possibly a draft copy, with slight variations of 1527/7. Order as found in PA2/8 MSS, not contained in APS.