Procedure: appointment of curators ad lites

In presens of the lordis of counsale comperit George Tervat, pupill, sone and apperand air to Alexander Tervat of that Ilk, and gaif in his supplicatioune makand mencioune2 that, quhare he has certane materis adoo before the lordis of counsale and summondis rasit therapone at his instance and his faderis, quhilk is now presentlie furth of this realm, desyrand, therfor, the saidis lordis to gif him curatouris ad lites, the quhilk desyre the saidis lordis thocht resonable and, tharefore, has gevin my Lord Flemyng and Maister James Foulis curatouris ad lites to the said pupill conjunctlie and severlie that he may be thair counsale persew his saidis materis as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.35v.
  2. Marginalia, 'and gaif in his supplicatioune makand mencioune', inserted into text.