The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 5 November 2024
Legislation: private acts
Ratifyis and apprevis the gift and admissioune of the office of sherefschip of Fiffe maid be the kingis grace, with avise of my lord governour for the tyme, to Patrik, lord Lindesay of the Byris, Jhone Lindesay of Petcruvy, knycht, his sone and apperand air, and Jhone Lindesay, sone and apperand air to the said Jhone, under the prive sele in all punctis and efter the forme and tenour of the samin, off the dait at Dunbertane, the xxx day of Maii, the yere of God jM vC and xxiiij yeris, and of the kingis regne the xj yere.
Quo die, idem supremus dominus noster rex in prefata suo parliamento, presentibus tribus regni statubus predictis, et de eorum expresso consensu et assensu, requisitus, habitus et deliberatus communi proficuo et corone utilitate pervisis et intellectis ac multis aliis et diversis causis ac consideracionibus rationabilibus precedentis, rimatis et discussis, illas donationem et concessionem factas et concessas dilecto suo Johanni Dunbar' de et super terris de Bennethefeild' et Kinlane cum pertinentiis jacentibus infra dominium de Ross' in feodifirmam prout in carta perfati supremi domini nostri regis sibi desuper confecta latius continetur de data apud Edinburgh', [...] die mensis [...], anno Domini millesimo vC xxvto, et regni regis predicti3 duodecimo confirmauit, ratificauit et pro se heredibus and successoribus suis omnibus melioribus modo formam et effectu de consensu et deliberacione predictis approbauit, non obstantibus aliquibus annexacionibus, unionibus aut aliis quibuscunque prius per eundem supremum dominum nostrum regem aut suos predecessores quoscunque incontrarium factis seu expeditis. Et desuper litteras suas confirmatorias premissorum sub magno sigillo suo concessit et deliberari mandauit.
Ratifyis and apprevis the charter of fewferme maid to Maister Jhone Campbell, thesaurare, of oure soverane lordis landis of Teling and Polgavy under his first sele in all punctis, efter the forme and tenour of the samin.
Ratifyis and apprevis the charter maid under the gret sele to Jhone Striveling of the Keire, knycht, of the landis of Ratherne liand within the lordship of Stratherne grantit and gevin to him in fewferm efter the samin and tenour of the samin.
- NAS, PA2/8, I, f.15r-v.
- NAS, PA2/8, I, f.15v.
- 'unadecim', deleted.
- NAS, PA2/8, I, f.15v.
- NAS, PA2/8, I, f.15v.