The pains of the destroyers of woods and burning of moorland in forbidden times

2Item, for the punishing of those that destroy green wood in contradiction to the tenor of the act written before, it is statute and ordained for keeping of the same that all destroyers of green wood by cutting, peeling of the bark, burning or felling, and likewise of all new enclosures, shall be accused thereof according to the acts and statutes made thereupon of before, and the pain thereof shall be in times coming for the first time £10, the second time £20 and the third time death. And likewise the penalty of burning of moorland after the month of March, in contradiction to the old acts and statutes, shall be in times coming for the first time £5, for the second time £10 and for the third time £20, and so forth at each time as often as they be found culpable £20. And if they be not accountable in lands or goods for the said penalty, their persons to be put in the prison of his grace the king, to be punished for their fault, enduring his grace's will, and to be called thereof at particular diets or general justice ayres as the king's grace shall think most expedient. And it shall not be lawful for the treasurer and compositor in times coming to compone or fine with the breakers of this act for less than the pain and penalties contained in the same.3

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.16r; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.10v.
  2. Marginalia: 'Pronounced' in PA2/8, II version.
  3. Marginalia 'And it shall not be lawful for the treasurer ... and penalties contained in the same', inserted into text in PA2/8, II version.