Of planting of woods, forests and orchards

2Item, for policy to be had within the realm in the planting of woods, making of hedges, orchards, yards and sawing of broom, it is statute and ordained by the king's grace and his three estates of parliament that the acts made thereupon of before by King James II and our sovereign lord's other progenitors be observed and kept and put to sharp execution in all points, with this addition: that every man spiritual and temporal within this realm having a hundred pound land of new extent per year, and may spend so much, where there are no woods or forests, he should plant woods and forests and makes hedges and enclosures for himself extending to three acres of land, and above or under as his heritage is more or less in places most suitable; and that they cause every tenant of their lands that has the same in tack and assedation to plant upon their dwelling-site yearly for every merk land one tree, each lord of a hundred pound land under the pain of £10 and less or more after the rate and quantity of their lands;3 and that inquisition be made yearly hereupon as the king's grace shall think most expedient; and that every man begin and cause planting to be made the next season hereafter following under the pains foresaid, to be raised and brought in to the king's grace's use by the sheriff of the shire, or whoever it pleases his grace to direct his commission to in that part, and that trial be taken yearly of the breakers of this statute by every sheriff in his own shire4 yearly at his head court after Easter.5

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.15v; NAS, PA2/8, III, f.10r-v.
  2. Marginalia: 'Pronounced' in PA2/8, II version.
  3. 'and for every merk land of their tenants, 2s', deleted in PA2/8, II version; not contained in PA2/8, III version.
  4. 'and letters to be directed', deleted in PA2/8, II version; not contained in PA2/8, III version.
  5. 'and to make account of the pains yearly in the exchequer', deleted in PA2/8, II version; not contained in PA2/8, III version.