Procedure: proclamation

We do inform you that, forasmuch as the king's grace, with the lords and barons, is to depart out of Edinburgh upon Monday next to come toward Haddington in the east parts of Lothian, the Merse and other places as it shall be seen and thought expedient by his highness for the ordering of matters concerning the common welfare and pacifying of the country, therefore, that all manner of persons, lords, barons, freeholders and others being in this town charged of before to come with his highness to the same, and all others of our sovereign lord's lieges, sensible persons within the bounds of Lothian, the Merse, Haddington, Teviotdale, Selkirk and Tweeddale make themselves ready in their best manner, equipped for fighting in warlike array, with weapons, pavilions2 and victuals, to pass and remain with his grace to the effect foresaid for the space of 15 days next after the said day under the pains contained in the letters given thereupon of before.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.62r.
  2. Could also mean 'banners'.