Procedure: motion for gratuities fo commissioners of public accounts

Moved that a gratuity should be given to the members of the commission of parliament, viz. the earl of Dunmore, Mr William Seton, Mr John Clerk, Mr Dougald Steuart and Mr Robert Fraser, for their pains and attendance in auditeing and examineing the publick accounts since the last session of parliament. Agreed to, that each of the forenamed persons shall have two hundred pounds sterling payed to them for their said pains and attendance, and that out of any sure fund as the same shall hereafter occur. Agreed likewayes that Walter Riddell, clerk to the said commission, for his pains and attendance on the said committee shall have fifty pounds sterling payed to him.

Procedure: recommendation
Recommendation to her majestie in favors of several of the members and clerk of the commission for auditing the publick accounts

Moved that in regaird no sure fund does at present appear out of which the abovenamed persons can receive ready payment of their respective sums, that, therefore, the estates of parliament should recommend them to her majesty that she may order the said payments in the way and manner her royal wisdom shall judge most proper, which motion was agreed to accordingly.

Procedure: article of commission and petition scheduled

Agreed that the article of the report of the commission relating to the polemoney collected by Ferguslie, and the petition given in by George Prestoun be first under consideration next sederunt of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.82.