Ratification in favors of Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Forglen

Our sovereign lady, with the advice and consent of the estates of parliament, ratifies, approves and perpetually confirms a charter under the great seal of the date at Saint James's, the twenty first day of December, jM vijC and two years, granted by her majesty, with consent of her commissioners of thesaury and exchequer for the time, proceeding on the resignation of Mr Thomas Thomson of Auchquittrie, to and in favors of Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Forglen, as haveing right to the said Mr Thomas his procuratory of resignation in manner therein mentioned, and to his heirs and assigneyes whatsoever, heretably and irredeemably, of all and haill the toun and lands of Todlaw, with houses, biggings, yeards, tofts, crofts, outsets, insets, annexis, connexis, parts, pendicles and haill pertinents whatsoever thereof, with the salmond fishing in the water of Doveran, lying within the parochine of Forglen and sherifdom of Bamf. Which lands and others foresaid, with all right and title her majestie had or might pretend thereto are, by the said charter, of new given and disponed to the said Sir Alexander Ogilvie and his forsaids, in manner fully expressed therein, whereby also all the writs, rights and securities of the samen lands and others abovementioned conceived in favors of the said Sir Alexander, his authors and predecessors, are ratified and confirmed and the foresaid lands, fishing and others abovewritten are disjoined from all other baronies to which they were formerly united and of new incorporated and united to the lands and barony of Forglen, to remain inseperably therewith as a proper part and pertinent of the same, with all jurisdictions, priviledges and immunities belonging thereto, as fully as if they had been at the beginning annexed with the same, and one seasine to be taken at the mannour place of Forglen as the principal messuage of the said barony, or upon any part of the ground of the said lands, is ordained to be a sufficient seasine for the said lands, fishings and others abovespecified, to be holden of her majesty and her successors, in manner expressed by the said charter, by which the haill waird and nonentry duties of the lands and others foresaid, and the relief thereof and marriage of the heirs of the said Sir Alexander Ogilvie and his foresaids, as oft as the same respective shall fall, with all the profites and emoluments thereof, are given and disponed to him and his foresaids for payment yearly at two terms Whitsunday and Martinmass by equal portions dureing the haill space of the ward and nonentry or either of them the sum of thirty pounds Scots money, as much for the relief and of the sum of sixty pounds money foresaid for the marriage of the said heirs, as oft and whensoever the samen respective shall fall, to which sums abovewritten the said ward, nonentry, relief and marriage, so oft as the samen shall fall, are taxed by the said charter, whereby also the heirs of the said Sir Alexander and his foresaids are allowed to be served, retoured, infeft and seased in the said lands and others abovementioned, notwithstanding of their minority, as the said charter fully bears, together with the precept of seasine therein contained and instrument of seasine following thereon, in all and sundry heads, articles and clauses thereof. And her majestie, with consent of the said estates of parliament, wills and grants and, for her and her royal successors, statutes and ordains, that the foresaid charter with the infeftment thereon shall be good, valid and sufficient rights, conform to the tenors of the same, to the said Sir Alexander Ogilvie and his foresaids for possessing and enjoying the lands, fishing and others abovewritten, without stop or impediment, in so far as concerns the interest of her majestie, and declares that the same shall never be quarrelled by her majesty or her said successors, and also that this present ratification is and shall be as effectual and sufficient, to all intents, as if the said charter and seasine were word by word insert herein, with the not inserting whereof and with all other objections that may be proponed against the validity of this ratification or rights hereby ratified, her majesty, with consent foresaid, dispensed and hereby dispenses for ever. Extract.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.66v-67.