Petition: recommendation

Petition for Collonell James Campbell, read craveing payment of the arrears due to him mentioned in his petition and the petitioner recommended to the lords of thesaury, conform to the deliverance upon his petition, which is as followeth.

Recommendation to the thesaury in favors of Collonel James Campbell

Her majesties' high commissioner and the estates of parliament, haveing heard the petition of Collonell James Campbell humbly shewing unto them that the petitioner, haveing been one of the captains of the Lord Forbes his regiment of dragoons, and there being considerable sums due to him as such, and several officers of the regiment haveing got their arrears, the petitioner did likewayes get a precept from the lords of her majesties' thesaury upon Sir Thomas Kennedy of Kirkhill for payment of one hundred and four pounds, one shilling [and] seven pence sterling of the sums due to him out of the remains of the excise duty, which Sir Thomas refuseing to pay and, suffering to be protested, the petitioner did apply to the high and honourable the estates of parliament the last session for his payment, which the parliament were graciously pleased to remit to the commission upon the twenty third of August, jM vijC and four, and now, after tryal taken by the commission into the payments of Sir Thomas Kennedie's excise duty, they find the same exhausted so that the petitioner can expect nothing from that fund. Craveing, therefore, his grace and their lordships to recommend the petitioner to the lords of her majesties' thesaury to grant him precept for the above sum of one hundred and four pounds, one shilling and seven pence sterling out of the excrescence or balance of any fund their lordships think fit, as the said petition bears. And her majesties' said commissioner and estates of parliament, haveing this day fully considered the said petition and being therewith well and ripely advised, they recommended and hereby recommend to the lords of thesaury to grant precepts to the petitioner out of some effectual fund for payment of one hundred and four pounds, one shilling [and] seven pence sterling due to him.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.45v.