
The petition for the burgh of Lanerk read, and the desire thereof granted for nineteen years from this date in manner following:

Act in favors of the burgh of Lanerk

Her majesties' high commissioner and the estates of parliament, haveing heard the petition of the magistrats and the burgh of Lanerk humbly shewing unto them that, whereas the burgh of Lanerk has been at a vast expence in building a bridge over Clyde, it being frequently unpassable at that place either by boat or foord (there haveing severals perished there within these few years) and that by reason of the great repair and the violent current of the water it will require frequent reparations, which the petitioners are unable to do unless they get some fond for it. And, therefore, craveing his grace and the honourable estates of parliament to grant an act in favors of the petitioners allowing them the custome thereof and ordaining the same to be payed by each passenger at the same rate as is payed at Bothwell bridge or Clyde's bridge, which are within the same shire, and to grant the petitioners the like priviledges which have been granted to either of them, by which the petitioners will be enabled to maintain the bridge for the ease and safety of all who pass this road, as the said petition bears. Which, her majesties' high commissioner and the said estates of parliament, haveing this day fully considered, they have granted and hereby grant the desire thereof and ordained and hereby ordain the customes aftermentioned to be payed to and uplifted by the petitioners to the effect abovewritten viz., twelve pennies Scots of every horse and load, eight pennies Scots of every cow and horse, two pennies Scots of every sheep and two pennies Scots of every footman that shall pass alongst the said bridge, and this imposition to continue for the space of nineteen years after the date hereof.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.103-103v.