Act in favors of the Lord Belhaven and Sir Alexander Ogilvie

Her majesties' high commissioner and the estates of parliament, haveing heard the petition of John, lord Belhaven and Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Forglen, humbly shewing unto them that the petitioners, haveing been so unfortunat as to incurr the displeasure of her majesties' commissioner's grace and the honourable estates of parliament by unbecoming expressions and other undutifull behaviour, for which they are most heartily sorry and grieved, therefore they did in all humility acknowledge their faults and did crave pardon of her majesties' commissioner and the estates of parliament for the offence committed by them, and did intreat that their most humble submission might be received and they reponed to their places in parliament, as the said petition bears. Which petition, her majesties' high commissioner and the said estates haveing considered, and haveing also heard the petitioners acknowledgement of their offence in the terms abovewritten, they have accepted and hereby accept of the petitioners' acknowledgement, have pardoned and forgiven and do by thir presents pardon and forgive their offences and reponed, likeas they do hereby repone, the petitioners to their respective places in parliament. Extract.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.102v-103.