[Petition for Alexander Home, earl of Home]

To his grace her majesty's high commissioner and the right honourable the estates of parliament,

The petition of Alexander [Home], earl of Home, and Mr James Home of Ayton and their curators,

Humbly shows,

That Charles [Home], earl of Home, our deceased father, had for many years bygone employed Sir David Dalrymple of Hailes as his advocate in the late depending process at Sir Patrick Home [of Renton's] instance against us, which process having been finally determined by the lords of session and Sir Patrick having protested to the parliament for remedy of law, that protestation comes now to be discussed by this high and honourable judicatory; and this makes it necessary for us to have warrant and allowance from your grace and the right honourable the estates of parliament that Sir David Dalrymple may advise, consult and plead for us in the said matter until your final decision therein.

May it therefore please your grace and the right honourable the estates of parliament to grant your express warrant to the effect above-mentioned, seeing your petitioners are not otherwise able to defend or support their just rights.


2Edinburgh, 10 March 1707

Her majesty's high commissioner and the estates of parliament, having heard this petition, they grant the desire thereof.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA6/35, 'March 13 1707'.
  2. Written on rear.