The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 12 February 2025
[Petition for Sir Patrick Home of Renton]
To his grace her majesty's high commissioner and the right honourable estates of parliament,
Sir Patrick Home of Renton, advocate,
Humbly shows,
That whereas the deceased Charles [Home], earl of Home obtained a decreet against me before the lords of session freeing him from accounting for his own and his predecessors' intromissions with the rents of the estate of Coldingham belonging to me, and I having protested for remedy of law to the queen and parliament, according to the privilege granted by the Claim of Right, upon which I, having raised a reduction of the aforesaid decreet before the parliament upon the several grounds of annulment therein contained, and the parliament being now taken up with public affairs of the greatest concern, so that they have not time to discuss the said reduction, and it being ordinary to remit reductions of decreets of the session to the lords of session to be by them reconsidered, as was done upon a petition given in by the lady dowager of Belhaven craving a decreet of the lords of session to be rescinded and reduced, and the parliament remitted to the lords of session to reconsider the said decreet and to reduce the same upon such grounds and reasons as they should think just, and that summarily without abiding the course of the roll, and the like was done in the case of a reduction at the instance of Clara and Patricia Ruthven against Sir Alexander Hope [of Kerse], as appears by the minutes of the proceedings of parliament 12 July 1695, and many other instances may be given, and by the minutes of parliament of 15 June 1693 it was ordered that all appeals made from the session to the parliament be remitted to be reconsidered and determined by the session.
It is therefore humbly craved that your grace and the estates of parliament may be pleased to take the premises into your consideration, and to remit to the lords of session the aforesaid reduction at my instance, with power to them to reconsider the said decreet and to reduce and annul the same upon such grounds of annulment and others as they shall find just, without regard to the said decreet, and to discuss the said reduction summarily without abiding the course of the roll.
Patrick Home
2Edinburgh, 19 November 1706
Her majesty's high commissioner and the estates of parliament, having heard this petition read in their presence, ordain the earl of Home's procurators to see and answer the same.
[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament
Edinburgh, 7 March 1707
Her majesty's high commissioner and the estates of parliament declare they will call and hear the cause at the petitioner's instance against the earl of Home the first day for private business.
Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament
- NAS. PA6/35, 'March 13 1707'.
- Written on rear.