[Addresses against the union submitted; overture concerning the admiral court read and ordered to be printed]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Then the following addresses were given in and read, namely: address of the barons, freeholders, heritors, gentlemen and others in the shire of Aberdeen, subscribers of the same; address of the barons, freeholders, heritors, gentlemen and others in the shire of Kincardine and town of Stonehaven, subscribing the same; and address of the inhabitants of the town of Peterhead, subscribers of the same, all against a union with England in the terms of the articles.

Overture for an act anent the admiral court read and ordered to be printed.

[Report and draft proclamation concerning the coin read and remitted to the committee; article of union read, amended and approved]

A report, brought in from the committee to whom the consideration of the coin was remitted, was read, as also a draft of a proclamation in relation thereto, and, after reasoning thereon, both were remitted back to the said committee to be further considered.

Then the twentieth article of union was read, and it was moved that a clause should be added thereto for preserving the whole records and registers, both general and particular, and warrants thereof, and for detaining and keeping them within this kingdom in all time coming. And, after reasoning thereon, it was agreed that when the twenty fourth article falls under consideration, a clause to that effect shall be brought in to be added thereto.

Agreed that after the words 'heritable offices and heritable jurisdictions', the word 'superiorities' be added to the said article. And the article being read over with the said addition, the vote was put approve the twentieth article of union or not, and it carried approve.

Then the twenty first article of union was read, and, after reasoning, it was moved to add a clause thereto in these terms: subject nevertheless to such alterations as the parliament of Great Britain shall think fit. And, after further reasoning thereon, two states of a vote were offered, the first in these terms: approve the article or not; the second in these terms: add the clause or not. And, after some reasoning which should be the state of the vote, first or second,

[Voting list ordered to be printed; article of union approved]

It was agreed that the members' votes shall be marked, and that the list of their names as they vote shall be printed and recorded.

Then the vote was put which shall be the state of the vote first or second, and it carried first.

Then2 the vote was put approve the twenty first article of union or not, and it carried approve.

[Article of union read and delayed; continuation]

Then the twenty second article of union was read and the consideration thereof delayed until the next sederunt of parliament to be then proceeded upon prior to all other business.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.52, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 215, f.52.
  2. 'Thereafter' in NAS. PA3/7 printed minutes.