[Addresses against the union submitted; act amended, approved and given royal assent; ordered to be printed]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Address of the magistrates and town council of the burgh of Ayr for such rectifications of the articles of union and such eases of duties and public taxes as are most agreeable to the circumstances of this nation, given in and read.

Address of heritors and others, inhabitants of the town and parish of Burntisland, subscribers of the same, against a union with England in the terms of the articles, given in and read.

Thereafter the act suspending the effect of a clause as to arming and exercising the country in the act of security passed in the second session of this current parliament again read, and, after some reasoning thereupon and some amendments, the act as amended was again read.

Then the vote was put approve of the act or not, and it carried approve, and was touched with the sceptre by her majesty's high commissioner in the usual manner under the title of act against all musters and rendezvouses during the present session of parliament.

And the said act and the proclamation mentioned in the minutes of the last sederunt were ordered to be forthwith published and printed.

[Article of union read and approved; enquiry into pamphlet remitted to committee for the equivalent]

Thereafter the seventh article of union was again read, and, after reasoning upon that part thereof not formerly approved, it was put to the vote approve of the rest of the said seventh article or not, and it carried approve.

A print was then given in entitled An account of the burning of the articles of union at Dumfries, bearing the declaration read and affixed at the market cross thereof by the tumult assembled on that occasion. And it being moved that inquiry shall be made who has been the printer and submitter of the said scurrilous paper, and that the print be burned by the hand of the hangman,

It was remitted to the committee to whom the sixth article of union is remitted to call for the magistrates of Edinburgh and to take trial and make inquiry anent the printer and submitter of the said paper.

Ordered also that the said scurrilous print be burned by the hand of the common hangman at the market cross of Edinburgh upon Monday next between 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock, and the magistrates of Edinburgh appointed to see the orders punctually executed.

[Article of union remitted to committee for the equivalent; act and additional clause read and delayed]

Then the eighth article of union was read and remitted to the committee to whom the sixth article is remitted.

Act for adjourning the session until 1 January next read, and a clause was offered to be subjoined thereto in these terms: and further her majesty, with advice and consent aforesaid, statutes and ordains that the session which is appointed to rise the last day of February next be continued to sit for administration of justice to the lieges from the said day to the last day of March 1707 inclusive.

Which being read the consideration of the said clause delayed until the act be again read, and a first reading was ordered to be marked on the act.

[Attendance of members at next sederunt; continuation]

Thereafter it was intimated to all such members as gave in any overtures or clauses relating to the sixth article of union to attend the committee next sederunt.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Tuesday next at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.30, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36, 180, f.30.