[Act for a maiden hospital read and approved; enquiry into the assault of the lord high commissioner remitted to committee for the equivalent]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Act in favour of the incorporations of Edinburgh for a maiden hospital read for a second time and voted and approved.

The lord chancellor acquainted the parliament that last night his grace her majesty's high commissioner, in his return to the palace, was insulted by a number of people of the meaner sort with stones, which was a high affront, both to her majesty's high commissioner and to the parliament; and therefore moved that the parliament may give the necessary orders not only to find out such as have been guilty as actors or abettors therein, but to prevent the like in time coming; and, after some reasoning on the said representation and motion,

It was agreed to remit to the committee nominated for examining the calculation of the equivalent to inquire into the matter of this insult, and to endeavour to find out the actors and abettors if any be, with power to the said committee to promise indemnities and rewards for discoverers, and to seize and imprison any person whom they shall have ground to suspect to be guilty as actors or abettors, and to call for the magistrates and neighbours in Edinburgh for information, and to report to the parliament what information and discovery they shall make of the said insult or of any other, as also to report their opinion what measures may be proper for preventing the like in time coming, and the committee appointed to meet the first interval day of parliament at 9 o'clock.

[Prosecution of those imprisoned for previous tumults; address against the union submitted]

The parliament did likewise recommend to the lord high constable to prosecute forthwith these persons who were imprisoned on account of a former tumult, and ordained the magistrates of Edinburgh to furnish what probation they can to the fiscal of the constable's court against such as were so imprisoned.

Address of the bailies, councillors and citizens of St Andrews subscribing the same against a union with England in the terms of the articles, given in and read.

[Petition read and remitted to commission for plantation of kirks etc.; petition read and laid open for consideration]

Petition for [Ludovic Grant], laird of Grant, elder, craving a remit to the lords of session in place of the commission for valuation of teinds, for determining an action to be raised by him in relation to the teinds of Pluscardine again read, and no answers being given in thereto, as also the ministers and heritors of Elgin being publicly called, the parliament remitted the determination of the above action to the commission for plantation of kirks and valuation of teinds, in case any such commission shall be named, and failing the said nomination, to the lords of session.

Petition for Sir Patrick Home of Renton against [Alexander Home], earl of Home, craving a remit to the lords of session for determining a reduction upon a protest for remedy of law at his instance of a decreet obtained against him by the earl of Home, read, and the earl of Home ordained to see and answer the same.

[Additional clause to article of union delayed; article of union read and delayed; continuation]

Thereafter it was moved that the parliament proceed to the fourth article of the union.

Moved also that before proceeding to the consideration of the fourth article, a clause be added to the third article in these terms: and that the said parliament of Great Britain shall meet and sit once in three years at least in that part of Great Britain now called Scotland. And, after some debate thereupon, the consideration of the said additional clause delayed until the parliament considers the twenty second article.

Then the fourth article of the union was read, and, after some discourse thereupon, the further consideration thereof was delayed until the next sederunt of parliament, and the consideration thereof delayed to be then resumed prior to all other business.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Thursday next at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.23, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36, 170, f.23-23v.