Act of dissolution of the mines and minerals belonging to his grace James [Douglas], duke of Queensberry

Our sovereign lady, considering the great pains and expenses bestowed by the deceased William [Douglas], duke of Queensberry for finding, working and winning of his lead mine within the baronies of Drumlanrig and Sanquhar; as likewise the great and special services done and performed to her majesty and the crown of this kingdom by James, now duke of Queensberry, and the said deceased William, duke of Queensberry, his father, and their predecessors, and that the granting to James, now duke of Queensberry, and his heirs and successors, the heritable and full right of all mines of gold, silver, tin, lead, copper and of all other metals and minerals whatsoever of whatever kind, nature or quality, already found or that may be found hereafter within the bounds of the dukedom of Queensberry, lands, lordships, baronies and others pertaining to the said James, duke of Queensberry; together with the tenth part thereof, and all other right and title or interest that her majesty may have or acclaim thereto, may contribute much to the further search and discovery, finding, working and winning of the said mines, metals and minerals above-mentioned, for the general good of the kingdom, does therefore, with the advice and consent of the estates of parliament, dissolve the whole foresaid mines of gold, silver, tin, lead, copper and whole other metals and minerals above-mentioned, with the tenth part thereof and all other customs and duties payable to her majesty for the same, with all other right, title and interest her majesty or her successors may have, claim or pretend thereto from her majesty's crown and patrimony thereof, and all annexation thereto, to the effect her majesty and her successors may freely and fully give, grant and convey the same to the said James, duke of Queensberry and his heirs and successors and assignees in such full and ample form and manner as her majesty shall think fit, to be held feu of her majesty and her successors for such a feu duty as she and they shall please to lay down and appoint for all other burden, exaction and demand in the most free and absolute manner; and specially without prejudice of the generality above-written, her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, declares that the said mines, metals and minerals are and shall be possessed in all time coming by the said James, duke of Queensberry and his foresaids, with express freedom and exemption from all payment of customs, bullion, shore dues or any other dues whatsoever payable or that can be exacted from them for any of the said metals and minerals, either already wrought or that shall happen to be wrought in all time coming, with full power to them to export and transport the said metals and minerals, or any part or portion of the same, into foreign countries free from the said dues and other customs and dues whatsoever, either already laid on or to be laid on, inhibiting and discharging all having right of gathering up the shore dues, anchorages or other customs, and all the tacksmen, farmers and collectors of her majesty's customs present and to come, and the masters of her majesty's mint, their deputes, servants and officers, from uplifting and collecting any sums of money, bullion, anchorages, shore dues or any other dues whatsoever for any of the said metals or minerals, already wrought or that shall happen to be wrought, in the said mines or exported therefrom out of this her majesty's kingdom, either purified or not purified. And moreover, her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, wills and grants that the servants and hewers and others employed or to be employed by the said James, duke of Queensberry and his foresaids for the use of the said work may be free from all stent, taxations, impositions, watch and ward, and that they shall enjoy all other benefices, privileges and freedoms made and granted in favour of the workmen of mines and minerals, or which can in any way be understood or interpreted to be in their favour by the laws and practice of this her majesty's realm.

  1. APS, xi, 486. Manuscript source not identified.