Petition: read and remit granted

Petition of Lady Mary Bruce and William Cochrane of Ochiltree, her husband, against [Alexander Bruce], earl of Kincardine, and answers thereto, read, and the desire of the petition granted in the terms of the deliverance thereupon.2

Procedure: representation of council of trade

Representation from the council of trade reporting to the parliament their procedure, and recommending their clerk and other persons employed by them for a gratification for their pains, read, and it was agreed to give the council of trade the thanks of the house for their pains and attendance, and to take the case of the clerk and other persons employed by them to consideration when the parliament comes to consider the public debts.

Petition: read and granted

Petition for Sir John Shaw of Greenock and Sir Archibald Campbell of Clunes, craving payment of a sum expended by them in prosecution of their commission for keeping out of Irish victual etc., and an allowance in time coming, read and the desire thereof granted in the terms of the deliverance thereon.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.79/255 (note parallel folio system).
  2. Heading 'Act and remit to the session Lady Mary Bruce and William Cochrane of Ochiltree her husband against the earl of Kincardine' in APS but without text. Text not located.